Why the need for Facebook Pixel?

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Many of our merchants might have used Facebook advertisements before, however, they might have left out a really important step-- setting up Facebook Pixel before running the advertisements. Well, we understand that not a lot of our merchants are aware of what Facebook Pixel is, so to simply put it: it is an essential tool to help monitor advertisements that you've put out. Without Facebook Pixel, merchants can never figure out the effectiveness of the advertisement. Therefore, it is definitely a plus to install Facebook Pixel as an aid!

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But first, what exactly is Facebook Pixel?

Facebook Pixel is an analysis tool for you to view what actions have been taken by your customers on your website in order to measure the performance of the advertisements.

Here are three main functions of Facebook Pixel:

1. Assist merchants with Facebook Business Manager and monitor the engagement in web store

Such engagements can be reflected by the data collected. Through these data, merchants can view the performance of advertisement and take note of what could be better improved for the next up and coming advertisements put out.

For example, here are some things you can look out for:

  1. Low click through rate (with the probable cause of photos/videos/words of the advertisement being not attractive enough
  2. Few customers add the products into the carts (your landing page might need to be adjusted)
  3. Many customers add the products into the carts but only a few of them pay eventually (It might due to the poor checkout flow)

Having data is crucial! As presented below, you can see that there is a big difference between having and not having it:

2. Retargeting advertisement

Through viewing the Facebook Pixel data on Facebook Business Manager, you can target on the customers who are performing an action like “Add To Cart” on the checkout page and post those advertisements. For example, just showing the advertisement to the first 100 customers who put products into the cart. In that case, the other irrelevant customers would be excluded. Facebook Pixel helps you target on the potential customers accurately. Without Facebook Pixel, such retargeting advertisement would not be achieved.

3. Create a lookalike audience

To reach or figure out your potential customers, creating a lookalike audience is required. For instance, you can find people who have similar characteristics with those 100 “Add-to-cart” customers. Choose your desired audience and post your ad. 

Why should you set Facebook Pixel before running a Facebook advertisement?

Facebook Pixel is actually an auxiliary tool. Without this tool, merchants would never know the details or performance of the advertisements. Money would then be wasted in putting out advertisements. The exposure gained from your advertisements would not be able to convert into real business.

The formulation and tracking of Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel consists of two parts:

  • Your Facebook pixel base code: Install it on every webpage of online store to keep track of every action of customers.
  • Your standard event code: Install it on the specific page in which the event is ended to trace the specific actions on the web page. For instance, if you would like to track the conversion of an item, you can then add an event code.

There are two parts of Facebook tracking:

  • Standard events tracking: The predefined events includes view contents, searches, add to cart, initiative checkout, add payment info, purchase, potential customers and complete registration.
  • Custom Conversion: Specially made to cater different demands, create a moderate customised conversion.

How to create a Facebook Pixel?

In fact, if you are using Boutir, you can create a Facebook Pixel using our Facebook Business Extension (FBE). For details, please refer to the following article:


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