Is Video marketing trending now? 5 Reasons why online shop merchants need video marketing!

Tips & Trends

When you are operating an online shop for the first time, don’t forget to put dynamic ads on your products. Dynamic ads not only increase potential customers’ knowledge of merchants but also their shopping desires.

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When you are operating an online shop for the first time, don’t forget to put dynamic ads on your products. Dynamic ads not only increase potential customers’ knowledge of merchants but also their shopping desires. Merchants can go to ‘Advertisement Administrator’ to get different advertisement analytics. By using various Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to analyze advertisement and online shop’s performance, merchants can improve marketing and sales strategies.

Apart from advertising, merchants should also post on social media actively to keep interaction with their followers. This can develop followers’ good impressions and sense of belonging to merchants. Some of the merchants may also choose to upload promotional videos of their products. Why is marketing video trending in recent years? You will know the importance of marketing videos after viewing the following 5 reasons.

1. People like watching videos online

People can’t live without video in their daily lives. According to the report 《DIGITAL 2021: HONG KONG》 of We Are Social and Hootsuite. We discover that:

·  94.9% of Hongkongers watch videos online monthly

·  YouTube (86.9%) is Hongkongers’ most-used social media, followed by WhatsApp (83.6%), Facebook (83.0%) and Instagram (59.1%)

In addition, Omnicom Media Group and Snap Inc. released a report 《2020: The Year That Changed Video Consumption》 about how pandemics affect the habits of people watching videos on their phones. 61% of interviewees indicated that they spend more time watching videos on social media apps during the pandemic.

From the above statistics, people tend to watch videos online nowadays. Some teenagers may watch more videos on social media because of the pandemic. As merchants are more familiar to the habits of potential customers, they are willing to invest in video marketing through social media.

2. Consumers prefer watching videos to words

In the era of information fragmentation, many people feel impatient when they are reading. ‘Too Long Didn’t Read’ (TLDR) is a network language to describe this phenomenon. However, even if the copywriting is short,people tend to watch videos to absorb the information.

The report 《The State of Video Marketing 2021》 from Wyzowl indicated that 69% of interviewees tend to watch videos when they want to learn about a product or a service. The following are reading an article, reading a post, and browsing a website.

3. Helps build consumer confidence

Although online shopping is convenient, many consumers are deterred by the frequent occurrence of fraud. According to the statistics released by the Hong Kong Police Force in January 2021, they received 6060 reports of online shopping scams from January to November last year. The total loss due to online shopping scamsis approximately $50 million, which is more than two times of the amount lost during the same period in 2019.

In order to build consumers’ confidence in shopping, in addition to displaying product sales data and building word-of-mouth through consumer reviews, merchants can also introduce different products and offers in person through video marketing, which will help them know more about the brand and feel that the merchant is trustworthy.

4. Can interact with customers easily

Outstanding copywriting can affect how customers feel about the brand and drive them to interact with merchants. However, it is hard to achieve it through text only. Compared with copywriting, it is easier for merchants to interact with customers through video. Merchants can use non-verbal communicating media like facial expressions, voice, and body language to attract customers. At the same time, merchants can use music and sound effects to create an atmosphere for the video, which can help move the emotions of potential customers.

According to the report by Wyzowl above, 83% of video marketing practitioners claimed that videos can increase customers’Dwell Time on the website. In addition, surveyed viewers were one time more likely to share the video with friends than they were to share other types of content, such as social media posts, blog articles and product pages. As a result, it is easy for consumers to interact with brands in different ways, and they seem to be willing to spend more time visiting brand pages and sharing video content.

5. Increase customers’ shopping desire

Regardless of any marketing strategies, the ultimate goal is to increase the performance of the online store. And video marketing can achieve the promotional goal. Take the tutorial video as an example, potential customers can understand the usage of the products through the video. They can also watch some footageof how the products look after use. Introducing the advantages of the products can increase customers’ shopping desire.

Referring to the report by Wyzowl, 78% of video marketing practitioners thought that video could increase  sales directly. In addition, 84% of the audiences mentioned that they bought products or services because of the brand video. Therefore, videos not only increase the interaction between customers and brands but also increase their shopping desire.

In conclusion, many people like watching videos on the internet nowadays. They tend to find out the product information through videos before shopping, which makes video marketing become a trend. Through video marketing,merchants can attract potential customers and increase brand interaction to build their trust in online stores and increase their desire,thus bringing more business to online stores.

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