


How to Create an Ad

1. Open the mobile app, tap "Promote"

2. Tap "Create" under “Facebook And Instagram Advertising”

*Google Shopping is only available in Hong Kong

3. You can choose the following two ad types to set up

How to Create an Ad with Easy Setting

1. After you tap "Easy Setting", read the prompt on the page, and then tap "OK"

Note: The system will automatically create 1 set of remarketing dynamic ads (DPA) and 3 sets of dynamic audience expansion ads (DABA) with different settings

2. The system automatically names the advertisement, and the merchant cannot change the advertisement name; please tap the ">" in the picture, and edit the advertisement description

3. While editing the advertisement description, merchant can refer to the following suggested format, and tap "Finish" after input

4. The system will automatically select all products, tap "Create Ad Content"

5. Tap "⊕ Set Up Now" under "Have no target customers yet?"

6. Merchant can change the age (required) and gender of the target customer, and select the type of online shop (language, location, online shop type), and then tap "Finish"

7. Tap "⊕ Set Now" in the position of "Have no budget and start time yet?"

8. Select the ad start and end date, then set the daily budget (minimum HK$120), then tap "Finish"


  • The system will automatically create 4 advertisements for different audiences, hoping to achieve the two goals of expanding the audience and remarketing
  • Assuming the merchant's budget for each advertisement is HK$30/day:some text
    • Since the system automatically creates 4 advertisements, merchants should enter HK$120 (/day) in the relevant position in the picture when setting the daily budget (this is also the default amount by the system)
    • The system will charge a 15% service fee, so the total promotion budget is HK$138/day (120 × 1.15 = 138)
    • Since we recommend that merchants run their advertisements for at least 14 days, the total expenditure for this promotion is at least:

■ $120 × 14 = $1,680 (excluding 15% handling fee)

■ $138 × 14 = $1,932 (including 15% handling fee)

  • While input a daily budget, if the number is lower than 120, the system will not be able to create an ad for the business

9. Upon confirmation on the advertisement settings, please tap "Confirm Advertising"

10. When you see the message "Facebook is about to approve your ad", this means that you have successfully submitted your ad

How to Create Dynamic Ads (DABA) with "Advanced Settings"

Function: reach a wide range of audiences who are interested in similar products (find customers)

1. Tap "Advanced Settings" > "Select"

2. Tap "Need", it is recommended to read the information about advertising first

3. Select products (recommended to select all products for best results)

4. Tap and enter "Ad Name", then tap "Done" to save

(The name is for your record only and will not be displayed on the ad)

5. Tap "Ad Description", enter the advertising information, and tap "Finish"

In order to attract customers, the suggested information filling may include but not limited to the following elements:

  • Online shop features and selling points
  • Product advantages
  • Reasons why customers should choose to shop at your online store

6. Tap "Create Ad Content"

7. Tap "⊕ Set Now" in the position of "Have no target customers yet?"

8. Tap "Create a new target customer group"; or tap an existing target customer group to edit

9. Slide the circular button to select the age group of the target customer group, and then select the gender, language, location, etc.

  • Situation 1: If you have been operating an online shop for a period of time and have accumulated business volume, but you do not know too much

10. Tap "Include previous contact with target customers" > "Complete purchases" > "Similar audiences who have completed purchases in the past 180 days", Facebook will use the customers who have completed purchases in your online store in the past six months as a basis to find out similar audience

11. You can also exclude some customers who have completed purchases in your online store, tap "Exclude previous contact with target customers"

12. If it is a top-selling item, it can be set to the past 90 days; if it is a product that has been purchased less frequently, it can be set to the past 180 days

13. After entering the required information, tap "Finish" to save

  • Situation 2: If your online shop has just opened, it may not have enough accumulated business volume according to analysis

14. Tap "Behavior" > "Purchasing Behavior" > "Consumers who have interacted with", and take consumers who have had online shopping experience as the target customer group

15. You can also exclude some customers who have completed purchases in your online store, tap "Exclude previous contact with target customers"

16. If it is a top-selling item, it can be set to the past 90 days; if it is a product that has been purchased less frequently, it can be set to the past 180 days

17. After entering the required information, yap "Finish" to save

18. Tap "⊕ Set Now" in the position of "Funding budget and start time have not yet been set"

19. Select ad start and end dates, set a daily budget, and tap Done

20. After confirming the content of the advertisement and the settings are correct, tap "Confirm Advertising", the advertisement will continue to run after approval until you stop it

  • If the balance is insufficient, you will not be able to confirm the advertisement
  • The merchant cannot save the advertisement settings. It is necessary to re-create the advertisement after adding value. Please confirm the balance before setting the advertisement.

How to Create Remarketing Dynamic Ads (DPA) with Advanced Settings

Function: Use the Facebook pixel to target users who have viewed or added to the shopping cart in the past but have not completed the purchase, and use the products they are interested in as ads (salvage old customers)

1. Prepare for the following to serve dynamic ads, including:

2. Open the mobile app, tap "Promotion" on the homepage "Online Shop"

3. Tap "Add"

4. Select "Advanced Settings"

5. Select "Remarketing dynamic ads (suitable for online shops with a certain number of visitors)"

6. It is recommended to select "All Products" to achieve the best results

7. The system has preset the ad name, you can tap "Ad Name" to change the name, and then tap "Finish" Note: The name is only for the merchant's record and will not be displayed on the merchant's advertisement.

8. After returning to the Create Ad Content page, tap "Ad Description" and fill in the ad content

9. In order to attract customers, merchants can fill in the advertisement description in detail according to the suggested format, including but not limited to the following elements:

  • Online shop features and selling points
  • Product advantages
  • Reasons why customers should choose a merchant's online shop

Then tap "Finish"

10. After confirming that the settings are correct, please tap"Create Ad Content"

11. The system defaults to serving ads to audiences with the following characteristics:

  • Visitors who viewed or added to cart but did not purchase in the past 14 days

It is recommended that the number of days be 7/14. To change the number of days, tap "Edit"

12. After completing the setting of the number of days, please tap "Set Now" in the position of "Have no budget and start time yet?" to set the capital budget and start time

13. Enter your daily budget and tap "Done" to save

- If there is only one group of target customers, the suggested daily budget may be $65 per group

- If you set up three groups of different target customer groups, it is recommended that the daily budget be $20 for each group, for a total of $60

(For example, if the remarketing dynamic advertisement is placed for the first time, the merchant can try to place the advertisement for 14 days, and the daily budget is HKD 60, so that the system can accumulate enough data to help the merchant understand the advertising effect)

14. Go back to the ad settings, confirm the ad content and settings are correct, and tap "Create ad content" to upload the data to the system. It will take 10 seconds

15. If you want to check the advertising performance, you can tap "View advertising performance" on the promotion page


  • 15% service fee will be charged for advertisements placed by the store
  • If you use the "Digital Advertising Self-Service Function", the system requires the merchant to verify the domain and set the event, please contact the customer service of the store immediately. The contact information is as follows:some text
    • Facebook Messenger:
    • WhatsApp: +85294512053

How to Save Ads

1. When merchants need to set target customers, budgets, start and end dates of advertisements, if they do not create advertisement content immediately, they can complete the relevant settings and tap "Save Draft" on this page.

2. After you tap "Save", when you see the above page, it means that the merchant has saved the draft, please tap "Finish"

3. To retrieve the draft, please tap "Add" on the "Promotion" page

4. Then tap "Draft"

(This tutorial is for reference only. If there is any update on the feature, its latest version shall prevail)

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